Background: Established in 1964, Arby's has emerged as the second-largest global sandwich restaurant brand, boasting a vast network of over 3,500 locations across nine countries. With its remarkable achievements spanning half a century, Arby's has established itself as a household name, with an impressive 97% of Americans familiar with its iconic tagline, "We have the Meats."

Problem + Solution: In pursuit of fostering increased adoption and engagement, particularly in the realm of customer relationship management (CRM), Arby's has entered into a partnership with Bounteous (formerly Hathway). The primary objective of this collaboration is to create more captivating, dynamic, and entertaining email campaigns, leveraging comprehensive research and data analysis to expand their reach to a wider consumer base. Bounteous works closely with Arby's internal brand management, campaign management, and development teams, offering invaluable monthly support in terms of CRM strategy and creative implementation. In addition to designing CRM campaigns, Bounteous has also devised a series of welcome journey emails that offer exclusive special incentives to customers who enroll in Arby's rewards program.

Results: Thanks to the diligent efforts dedicated to reimagining Arby's CRM strategy, the brand has significantly enhanced its capabilities and successfully reached an unprecedented number of customers. Presently, Arby's delivers eight to ten monthly subscriber emails, which encompass a range of editorial content, promotional offers, and engaging messaging designed to captivate recipients.
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